A true story about a little boy's wish.
Little Sam Morrier aboard charter yacht Sandcastle 2013

Below is a letter to the Dad 14 months after the charter, after Barrington-Hall's C.E.O. was sitting on board SANDCASTLE discussing this charter. The family we are discussing are Steve,Julie, Hannah and Sam Morrier.

Dear Steve,
Hi, Andrew here. Always very good to touch base with you and I
hope your tiger Sam is running around like he should. I know Hanna
is a ball of fire. November 12, 2014 I was sitting speaking with
Rik and Ann on board yacht SANDCASTLE at our annual charter brokers boat
show in the Caribbean Virgin Islands, when the biggest compliment was given to
you and your family.
Yes our talks edged towards SAM'S WISH to find treasure like Johnny
Depp, this wish was more than realized by Karin McKenna of the Children's
Wish foundation of Canada. I hope to send Karin a copy of this true
story. Basically here is how that conversation went. Rick and Ann
have been chartering since 1988 and have had a wonderful inning
doing this profession proud. Both said almost together Andrew the
best charter we ever did was the little MORRIER BOY Sam for the
Wish foundation. OH my gosh the magnitude of that statement was
sooooo special to fully understand. Andrew that charter worked out
perfectly, Steve, Sam's dad, managed to get the swords through the
mail and all of the treasure arrived intact. How the swords got
through customs I will never know, keep in mind we have to take
our shoes off when walking through checkpoints. OH well I suppose
no one was holding the swords. The swords were too shiny so we had
to make them look dull with age.

Andrew we did not know that specific cave existed, so well done, what a perfect spot to hide "the booty". We followed the map past an island with a dove's name, then due south past some Native Americans and anchored at an uninhabited island with a name like STORE MAN, but a No goes in place of the store, then we follows the path in our tender to "X" marks the spot.

Sam could see the cave from the tender and almost walked on water, thank you Hanna for holding your brother back he would have bolted across the water to get to the cave. Captain Rik and Steve helped Sam and Hannah to shore and Ann and Julie tried to hold the dinghy in place in spite of the waves and chop, it was easy to see how the treasure stayed hidden all these years. When inside Sam shouted there is treasure here in a real pirate's Treasure chest, there are 2 swords here, excitedly, and he pulled one out of the sheath. Ann said, let's open it on board because the water is sloshing into the tender and it is difficult to remain here, one sword was being waved around in excitement. Wonderful Hanna at age 10 was watching and listening and trying to work out if this could all be true. She wasn't convinced of finding a real treasure, and Hanna had seen fake doubloons in St Thomas that said copy on the back, so she would know immediately once she could see the coins for herself.

Thank you Steve for putting so much effort into making your boy feel so good. I have been trying to get hold of KARIN McKenna to tell her this little story. What a lot of fun this turned out to be. I will attach the "real" pictures you sent me during your trip so that Karen McKenna and anyone reading this enjoys the impact "Children's wish foundation " had on one little big boy, his family and everyone else. Thank you to everyone. My plan now is to add this to my web site.